Grisbi : version 0.8.8 et version 0.9.4
Rédigé par Gérald Niel - - 2 commentaires
Les dernières versions de pour Mac OSX (Leopard, Snow Leopard et Lion) sont disponibles en téléchargement aux endroits habituels.
Version stable 0.8.8
New in version 0.8.8 (extrait du fichier NEWS
- update the Russian translation
- fixes bug 1373: the transaction is not transferred to the new account when use the Edit menu
- fixes bug 1365: corrects the name of the International Russian currency RUB -> RUR
- fixes some bugs in the navigation in the left panel of Grisbi
- fixes a crash when the number of recently used files = 0
- removal the display of the build date for the stable versions of Grisbi
Versions de développement 0.9.4
New in version 0.9.4 (extrait du fichier NEWS
- Adding of goffice's library for the graphs (EXPERIMENTAL)
- Added tests for new date parsing feature (month as string in english)
- Add mouse scrolling support on the navigation tree
- Add a regex store
- adds the calculation of the balance depending on the value date or the date operations
- Add more diversity to date string tests
- Adding the option "Erase Fields Credit and Debit" for the automatic filling of transactions
- Adding a context menu to the left panel
- Suppression de nombreuses fuites de mémoire
- Correction de nombreux bugs
- Gros travail de nettoyage du code de Grisbi
2 commentaires